Unfortunately, some companies fall prey to hiring practices that dilute the quality of their process. These practices, while commonplace at one time, have become antiquated and ultimately ineffective for the purpose of identifying and attracting top talent.
Below are six hiring practices you MUST stop (if you’re still doing them):
#1—Treating all candidates the same
Are all candidates the same? Of course they’re not. Some are better than others. Some are better than others by a wide margin. Then why would you treat them all the same? You wouldn’t. If you want to hire an A-level candidate, would you treat them exactly like a C-level candidate? That does not make any sense. Doing so will not attract them to either your opportunity or your organization.
#2—Writing outdated, uninspiring job descriptions
Not only is it crucial that job descriptions are accurate, but they must also have the “sizzle” that will entice the right candidates. You can’t just roll out the same description time after time. Are your hiring managers vetting the job description with those employees who will work most closely with the candidate? Does the description simply contain a list of duties, or does it cast a vision for both the position and the person’s role within the organization?
#3—Not preparing your interviewers with the proper training
The problem with a lot of interviews is that they’re treated as a “one-way street.” In other words, those conducting the interview believe they should be the only ones asking questions and driving the conversation. Remember that those conducting the interview are representing your company. How they handle the process is of utmost importance, so make sure they’ve undergone the appropriate training regarding the hiring process, especially the interview stage.
#4—Holding out for the “perfect candidate.”
It’s understandable that you want to hire the best candidate possible (which is why you should avoid these hiring practices in the first place). However, there’s a danger in always “wanting to see one more candidate.” At a certain point, hiring a great candidate is less about searching for that candidate for an extended amount of time and more about strategically attracting and engaging the right candidate.
#5—Dragging out the hiring process.
This one goes hand-in-hand with #4. Holding out for the “perfect candidate” is one way to drag out the hiring process, but there are others. Disorganization, a lack of quality communication, and indecision are among those ways. The longer the process drags on, the less likely that top candidates will be to stay in the process until the very end.
#6—Low-balling candidates on the offer
We’re talking about A-level candidates, which means candidates that are more than likely interviewing at multiple companies and poised to receive multiple offers. Viewed in that light, it’s almost “hiring insanity” to low-ball your offer. All you’re doing is making the candidate’s decision easier—their decision to accept another offer.
Does your company use any of these hiring practices? If so, there is no time like the present to stop. If you’re truly searching for “the best of the best” in terms of talent in the marketplace, these practices will not help you in your quest. In fact, they’ll repel the very candidates you’re attempting to hire.
We help support careers in one of two ways: 1. By helping to find the right opportunity when the time is right, and 2. By helping to recruit top talent for the critical needs of organizations. If this is something you would like to explore further, please send an email to stacy@thevetrecruiter.com.