
Please use the links below to learn more about how The Pursell Group works with employers

The Pursell Group Employers 1

Employers, finding and hiring top talent for any business can be a challenge. You are busy focusing on running your business and may not have the time or the resources to do what it takes to identify and land the talent you need to hire for your most critical roles. That is where we come in.  While you are busy running your business, we are in the marketplace each and every day searching for and talking with top talent. Most of these individuals have good positions where they are now, but would be open to hearing about and potentially exploring other  job opportunities if there was something better for them as a next step in their career. This is what we call passive candidates. These individuals are not typically actively “looking” for a job and must be approached about other  job opportunities. They are usually open to at least having a conversation to see if there is something better for them in the marketplace and are open to receiving calls from search consultants or recruiters, where it might be awkward for you to approach them directly.

 Our firm has a proven track record and a combined 25 years of experience in executive search and recruiting. We can quickly find top talent for your most critical open positions. We are passionate about solving hiring challenges and creating “win-win” situations for both our clients and our candidates.

 If you would like to spend your time and energy running your business and leave the recruiting to professionals who are experts in the search process, then reach out to us.