Feb 28, 2017 | News for Employers
There are some tactics, strategies, and techniques that employers try in the marketplace right now that simply do not work. And one of the main reasons they do not work is because it’s currently a candidates’ market. One of those tactics is pitching a job. Some hiring...
Feb 28, 2017 | News for Candidates
The question above is one sometimes asked by job seekers and candidates. It’s a question they ask themselves during the search process, and sometimes they even ask a variation of it to their recruiter: “Why won’t you tell me who the company is?” As a recruiter, I can...
Feb 13, 2017 | News for Employers
Regardless of whatever is happening in the employment marketplace, there’s one thing that will definitely happen during the next 15 years. Most of the Baby Boomers in the United States will be phased out of the workforce. The numbers are fairly startling. According to...
Feb 13, 2017 | News for Candidates
I’ve addressed the subject of fear on many occasions in this blog. In fact, for those of you who have read my articles, you probably already know the acronym I use regarding fear. That acronym is: Fear = False Evidence Appearing Real Fear holds people back in their...
Jan 30, 2017 | News for Employers
This coming weekend, the Super Bowl is going to be played. The two best teams in the National Football League are going to battle one another, and the winner will be declared the best team in the entire league. In fact, they’ll largely be considered the best team in...